Please read the Upload Help file for guidance on uploading files to the archive.
Please fill out all fields that aren't specifically labelled as
Plain text, HTML, and PDF files are supported. Plain text files are automatically converted to HTML. See the Upload Help file for more information about uploading plain text and HTML files! Please note that HTML files produced by using the Save as Webpage option in Microsoft Word may not load correctly. Hand-code these files or use the plain text option instead.
Spell/capitalize the information exactly as you wish it to appear in
the archive.
Please do not include special characters (exclamation points, question
marks, ampersands, etc.) in author names. For security purposes, we cannot
accept these characters.
Please double-check all the information you have included before
You MUST turn previewing OFF to actually archive
the story!
It looks like your browser can't handle file uploads. To double-check, look
below and see whether there's a Browse... button in the
File to upload field. If it's there, great, you can do uploads. If
not, that means that you can't use this to archive your story or to post
However, you can still use the posting interface to post the template
(the part 0) to the list. Then you'll just have to post your story to the
list yourself. The archivists will use the template to archive
your story if you would like it archived, it will just take a little